Place Hierarchy

1 Place connections found: Warszawa, warszawski, mazowieckie, Polska, Top Level

 Place   Place Hierarchy after: Warszawa 

Individuals @ Warszawa, warszawski, mazowieckie, Polska

INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I1968Sowa, Przemysław
PRZEMYSŁAW,SOWASOWA,PRZEMYSŁAW993207821 February 2009 - 8:04:05amMY100Y100R
2I3647Stawnicki, Wacław
WACŁAW,STAWNICKISTAWNICKI,WACŁAW1340617310 August 2016 - 3:40:17amMYESY100
Given Names

Total individuals : 2

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