Given Names: Henryk Władysław Nickname: Henio Surname: Magnuski Also known as: Henry Magnuski
Gender: Male
Birth:30 January 19095239 Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska Death:4 May 1978 (Age 69) Glenview, Cook, Illinois, USA
Personal Facts and Details
30 January 19095239 Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska
Religious Marriage Dr. Helena Alexandra Błaszczeńska - 7 February 1942 (Age 33) Holy Trinity Church - 1118 Noble Street, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
186cm, 100kg
4 May 1978 (Age 69) Glenview, Cook, Illinois, USA
Cause of death: Prostate Cancer
6 May 1978 (2 days after death) St. Adalbert Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Latitude: N42.00813 Longitude: W87.79924
Henryk Magnuski, a Polish engineer working for Motorola, in 1940 invented the SCR-300 radio, the first small radio receiver/transmitter to have manually-set frequencies. It was used extensively by the American Army and was nicknamed the walkie-talkie
Jaskolski was Henryk's manager at State Tele and Radiotechnical Works in Poland.
Subject: Feb 7 - 64th wedding anniversary
I completely forgot that this would have been Busia's 64th wedding anniversary if Dad had lived.
She remembered the date and mentioned it to me. She then did a little reminiscing: It was a small wedding party in a side altar at Holy Trinity church in Chicago.
Our Busia (Blaszczenska) did all the cooking for the reception afterward at Harding Ave, but she got a lady from the Zwiazek Polek to serve the meal.
Attendees included the family, Miss Baron, and Mr & Mrs Hobbs, who had gotten Dad the job at Motorola.
Mom and Dad left the reception after the meal and went to some hotel for their wedding night. Mom couldn't remember what hotel it was. They didn't have their honeymoon until later that year, in summer. --- Henry Magnuski (1909 - 1978) Henry W. Magnuski’s many accomplishments include the second-generation Walkie-Talkie and the research and development that laid the foundations for Motorola’s position in microwave and cellular communication. Biography Henryk Wladyslaw Magnuski was born in Warsaw, Poland on January 30, 1909. Having lost both parents at a relatively early age, he supported himself and his sister Janina by fixing and installing radios for the Polish military. He received his degree from Warsaw University of Technology in 1934 and started working for the State Tele and Radiotechnical Works (Państwowe Zakłady Tele i Radiotechniczne) in Warsaw. In June 1939, his firm sent Mr. Magnuski to the United States to study the latest radio transmitter technology. In September 1939, Poland was invaded by Germany and World War II began. His return to Poland was impossible and the Polish Embassy in Washington, DC suggested that he could be of greater assistance to the war effort by remaining in the USA. In 1940, Mr. Magnuski began working for the Galvin Manufacturing Company (the company changed its name in 1947 to Motorola Inc.). He has three patents relating to the design of Motorola’s second-generation "Walkie-Talkie", the SCR-300 FM. The design included a tuning control to simultaneously tune both the transmitter and the receiver, an automatic frequency control to ensure clear communication without critical precision tuning by the operator, an adequate power supply, a minimum number of crystals, and fungiciding of the unit to allow it to withstand tropical temperatures and humidity. Nearly 50,000 of the SCR-300 FM "Walkie-Talkie" units were produced during World War II. In addition, Mr. Magnuski is credited with the development of the AN/CPN-6 Radar Beacon, a microwave device that assisted US Navy pilots to locate their carriers in low visibility conditions. For this effort, he received a US Navy Certificate for Outstanding Service. Following the conclusion of World War II, Mr. Magnuski helped develop VHF cavity resonators that allowed adjacent channel operation, was a key designer for the Motorola Sensicon receiver that used a selective filter in the IF amplifier, and created microwave relay equipment that could transmit multi-channel telephone, data, and television signals. For Motorola’s Government Electronics Division, he developed the SSB Radio Central Concept AN/USC-3, RADEM system (chosen as one of the "100 Most Important Products of 1963" by Industrial Research Magazine) and the Deltaplex I digital troposcatter system and lightweight tropo equipment AN/TRC-105. Mr. Magnuski developed 30 patents covering VHF and microwave communications, wrote or coauthored 32 technical papers, and was the sole author of a chapter in the Communication System Engineering Handbook. In 1964 he was elected a fellow of IEEE and was listed in the 1964 "Chicagoland—Center of Innovation" booklet as one of the ten most distinguished scientists and engineers who make Chicago their home. When he retired from Motorola, he was Associate Director of Research in Motorola’s Government Electronics Division. It can be said that Mr. Magnuski’s contributions laid the groundwork for Motorola’s position in microwave and cellular communication. Mr. Magnuski retired from Motorola in 1970. He succumbed to cancer at his home in Glenview, Illinois on May 4, 1978. The Henry Magnuski Electrical and Computer Engineering professorship at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign was instituted in his honor in 2001 with a gift from his son, Henry S. Magnuski, a 1965 graduate of that institution. Publications H. Magnuski. Private Line Microwave Systems. IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications National Meeting - Detroit, Michigan, November 3, 1950 H. Magnuski. The Microwave Relay Communication System - General Technical Philosophy & Specific Engineering Solution. Fourth Southwestern IRE Conference - Houston Texas, May 17, 1952 H. Magnuski, Dr. William L. Firestone, Angus MacDonald. Modulation Sideband Splatter of VHF and UHF Transmitters. Proceedings of the National Electronic Conference, Vol 10 February, 1955 H. Magnuski. An Explanation of Fading in Microwave Relay Systems. IRE National Convention, March 21, 1955 H. Magnuski. An Explanation of Microwave Fading and Its Correction by Frequency Diversity. Winter General Meeting of the AIEE, January 30, 1956 H. Magnuski. Comparison of SSB and FM for VHF Mobile Service. Proceedings of the I.R.E, Vol. 44 No. 12, December, 1956 Dr. William L. Firestone, H. Magnuski, Roy A. Richardson. Single Sideband for Mobile Applications. AIEE Fall General Meeting - Chicago, Illinois, October 11, 1957 H. Magnuski. Jamming of Communications Systems Using FM, AM and SSB Modulation. IRE Transactions on Military Electronics, MIL-5 No. 1 8-11, January, 1961 H. Magnuski. Wideband Channel for Emergency Communications. IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications, Vol. VC-10 No. 2, August, 1961 Willis DeHart, H. Magnuski. Analysis of Random Access Discrete Address System. IRE Eighth National Communications Symposium, October, 1962 H. Magnuski. RADA and Satellite Communications. 1962 National Symposium on Space Electronics and Telemetry - Miami Beach, October 2, 1962 H. Magnuski. Anti-Jamming Characteristics of RADAS. IRE Winter Convention on Military Electronics - Los Angeles, February, 1963 H. Magnuski. RADAS and Satellite Communication. National Symposium on Space Electronics and Telemetry, October 2, 1962 H. Magnuski. The Principles of Vehicular Communication Systems Design. IEEE First Symposium on Vehicular Communications Systems, May 25, 1967 H. Magnuski. Chapter 18 - Address Communication Systems. Communication System Engineering Handbook - Donald. H. Hamsher, Ed., June, 1967, McGraw-Hill, NY. ISBN 00-70-25960-7 Patents Three Walkie-Talkie patents: 2,398,793 April 23, 1946 Radio Receiving System 2,408,791 October 8, 1946 Radio Communication System 2,409,139 October 8, 1946 Radio Receiving System Sensicon receiver patent: 2,608,648 August 26, 1952 Highly Selective Radio Receiver 2,608,649 August 26, 1952 Highly Selective Radio Receiver H. Magnuski's last patent, developed on his own, as part of research into cellular systems: 3,646,441 February 29, 1972 Digital Radio Communication Systems Using Repeaters Operating at Same Frequency
US Patents with Titles:
2,398,793 April 23, 1946 Radio Receiving System 2,408,791 October 8, 1946 Radio Communication System 2,409,139 October 8, 1946 Radio Receiving System 2,608,648 August 26, 1952 Highly Selective Radio Receiver 2,608,649 August 26, 1952 Highly Selective Radio Receiver 2,637,782 May 5, 1953 Resonant Cavity Filter 2,699,495 January 11, 1955 Automatic Switchover System for Radio Relay 2,699,496 January 11, 1955 Microwave Relay Test System 2,713,664 July 19, 1955 Limiter for Phase Modulation 2,734,131 February 7, 1956 Communication System with Carrier Strength Control 2,782,300 February 19, 1957 Modulation Meter 2,803,802 August 20, 1957 Deviation Calibrator 2,813,198 November 12, 1957 Microwave System 2,852,730 September 16, 1958 Power Supply 2,860,238 November 11, 1958 Diversity Receiving System 2,892,930 June 30, 1959 Communication System 2,959,673 November 8, 1960 Radio Receiver Squelch Control 3,235,768 February 15, 1966 Variable Microwave Phase Shifter Utilizing Plasma Electrode 3,292,086 December 13, 1966 System for Converting a Train of Binary Zeroes to a Train of Alternating Ones and Zeroes and Vice Versa 3,292,178 December 13, 1966 Communication system 3,361,970 January 2, 1968 Selection of Frequencies for Minimum Depth of Fading in a Frequency Diversity Microwave Line of Sight Relay Link 3,380,023 April 23, 1968 Electronic Alarm System 3,392,392 July 9, 1968 Bearing Measurement System Using Statistical Signal Processing by Analog Techniques 3,406,775 October 22, 1968 Vehicular Speed Indicator, Odometer and Automatic Speed Control System 3,453,562 July 1, 1969 Delta Modulator with Uniform Quantizing Steps 3,467,783 September 16, 1969 Speech Bandwidth Reduction by Sampling 1/N Cycles, Storing the Samples, and Reading the Samples Out at 1/N the Sampling Rate 3,471,646 October 7, 1969 Time Division Multiplex System with Prearranged Carrier Frequency Shifts 3,506,966 April 14, 1970 Pulse-Coded Wide Band Radio Communication System 3,532,988 October 6, 1970 Digital Troposcatter Multiplex Communication System Optimum Frequency 3,646,441 February 29, 1972 Digital Radio Communication Systems Using Repeaters Operating at Same Frequency
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 11:14:17 -0800 From: Earl Hajic <> To: Subject: Henry Magnuski Fund and my work with him.
Dear Hank Magnuski,
It was so good of you to write; I really appreciated hearing from you. At the time of your mother's death I was sorry I didn't know a contact for you. Nevertheless, I was able to write to your sister and I received a nice set of comments from her. I was glad that she was going to pass along some of my brief comments to you.
Thanks for your acknowledgement of my contribution, albeit small. I was quite pleased to see the report from U of I some years ago of the Endowed Professorship Fund that you had established in honor and remembrance of your father. I've saved that article and the photo of you with your mother.
My very first job after getting my MSEE (June, 1951 and BSEE, summer 1950) from U of I was at Motorola, Chicago. It was in the microwave department which Ed Dyke managed. Almost from the start there, I had contact with your father. I was impressed that the Chief Engineer would not only be interested in what I was doing, but that the projects I was assigned to were indeed mostly of his own initiation: viz., microwave systems and components design, antenna design and wave propagation studies and tests.
In the latter context, he established the frequency diversity concept after several months of our recording the wave propagation over test links from the Board of Trade building in Chicago to our Gretna and Plato, IL sites. Those were most memorable times: from the alignment of the reflectors at the top of the ~125 foot towers at the latter two locations (and a scary crawl on the Board of Trade roof to check that antenna). His concern was the deep signal fading that occurred during the sunrise and sunset times due to multipath propagation. Hence his solution was frequency diversity.
This led to my design of a 4 channel microwave waveguide 'ensemble' which saw the counterpart military design using magnesium waveguide since a packaged station and telescoping tower were to be helicopter transported. There were many fascinating design problems to be solved and Henry provided a wealth of ingenious thoughts & commentary.
After several years I moved to the Motorola Research Lab in Riverside, CA. There, I was eventually serving as Director of Countermeasure Systems Research with a group of 30 some engineers and technicians. The basic concepts to be developed needed the help of a genius. Thus for a brief, but important, period I was pleased to have Henry as a consultant!
I asked my wife, Winifred, last night, if she remembered Henry. She said, "Do I ever; he was the only man who ever kissed my hand when I was introduced!"
I have belabored the 'my part' too much; but I hoped in doing so you could readily see what a wonderful, warm individual your father was along with his scientific expertise applied to very innovative concepts and solutions.
Sincerely, Earl Hajic (805) 969-4403
Merry Christmas and Happy 2011
Pamietam Ojca Henka, jak był przyjmowany przez Prez. Moscickiego i miał piekny kabriolet Opel Kapitan, mieszkał obok, W-wa Willowa 13 [ 1938 ]
Motorola Career:
Hired in September, 1940, as a lab technician in the police AM radio department, by Herb Moos who headed the department. By early 1941 a compete line of FM police radios was announced. . Retired May of 1971.
Dr. Noble joined the company in early September (Labor day), 1940. Starts work on SCR-300 "sometime after the United States had gone to war". 50,000 produced.
SCR-536 - Full production in July of 1941, 40,000 units shipped. Don Mitchell head.
Motorola Addresses:
4545 West Augusta Blvd, Chicago, IL 60651
1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois, 60196 USA (312) 576-5200
Chicago, Illinois on October 22nd, 1943
Biography from A. R. F Products, Boulder, Colorado, dated 14 November 1975
Henry Magnuski -- Consultant
Born in Warsaw, Poland, on 30 January 1909. He received his E.E. degree from the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland, in 1934. (This degree is equivalent to the M.S. Degree).
During the years 1929 to 1939, he worked as a student and became Senior Engineer for the Polish Radio and Telephone Works, Warsaw, Poland. He held the position of Senior Engineer at the outbreak of World War II. From 1940 to 1971 he worked for Motorola, Inc. (Retired from Motorola, Inc. in May 1971 after 30 years of service). Mr. Magnuski started as design engineer in the Communications Division, and held succeeding positions of Senior Engineer, Project Engineer, and Associate Director of Research (1953-1956). He was Staff Scientist to the Executive Vice President until 1960. He then transferred to the Government Electronics Division where he was Associate Director of Research. In 1968-1969 the Chicago Center of this division was moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Magnuski elected to remain in Chicago and obtained a leave of absence to do independent research. He is now an independent Researcher and Consultant on Radio Communication Systems (both mobile and microwaves), modulation techniques (FM, SSB, FSK, PSK, PCM, Delta), wave propagation theory and application of solid state devices.
Since joining Motorola in 1940, Mr. Magnuski has been responsible for development of the circuits for the Walkie Talkie (SCR-300), which were patented, and also contributed to the development of FM Mobile Communications Equipment. His next job was development and production engineering of the AN/CPN-6 Radar beacon, for which he was awarded the Navy Certificate of Commendation.
After World War II, Mr. Magnuski contributed substantially to the communication equipment, and was responsible for developing VHF cavity resonators for adjacent channel operation and also for the Motorola Sensicon receiver, (which had a selectivity determining filter in front of the IF amplifier -- the patent has now expired).
From 1947-1953, Mr. Magnuski initiated and developed a full line of Motorola Microwave Relay equipment for multichannel telephone, radar data and Television video transmission.
Later on, he developed an SSB Radio Central concept AN/USC-3, a RADEM system (Motorola's approach to RADAS).
Among his latest developments for Motorola were the Deltaplex I (digital troposcatter system) and light weight tropo equipment AN/TRC-105 based on his patent.
His present research is concerned with digital mobile communication systems using on-frequency repeaters and with speech band compression.
Mr. Magnuski has written several papers published in professional journals, and a Chapter in "Communications System Engineering Handbook," McGraw-Hill. He also holds 25 patents in VHF communications and microwave fields with others pending.
He was awarded the United States Navy Certificate of Commendation for outstanding service during World War II, for development of the AN/CPN-6 Radar beacon.
He is a member of IEEE, Fellow, Professional Engineer State of Illinois, Radio Engineers' Club of Chicago.
Mr. Magnuski presently resides at 605 Spring Road, Glenview, Illinois 60025.
Dr. Dan Noble to Helen Magnuski - 8 May 1978
A few days after his death my Mother received a letter from Dr. Dan Noble who was Director of Research at Motorola and had been Dad's boss. In it he writes: “I honored Henry for his great engineering capability, for his loyalty, and for his commanding sense of integrity. Since we worked together on a number of projects, my respect for his engineering capability is the result of direct personal observation. Henry was one of the great engineers of the Communication Divisions's original group and he helped substantially to make it possible for Motorola to dominate the marketplace.”
Central Military Archive in Rembertow - Henryk W. Magnuski file
Robert Magnuski <> Mon, Jan 2, 2017, 11:30 AM
My grandma's brother Stefan Owczarek has been decorated with a medal for fighting Germans during uprising. When I went to the central military archive to go over his file I was sort of inspired to check for Magnuskis in their files. What I found surprised me.
Today I am sending documentation from Henryk W. Magnuski's file - Hank's father. Although he was a civil engineer he was also a substitute lieutenant.
His file has many interesting documents including his graduation diploma from Politechnika Warszawska, confidential military opinions, certificates from military communications courses . His file has even a copy of his birth certificate.
After WWII broke the most valuable documentation was evacuated to Romania then to France and finally to England and to the New York city. Some content was captured by Germans, moved to Gdansk where it survived the war.
H.W. got his masters degree in electrical engineering. He graduated as an engineer electrician.
I guess , he must have found his path of interest while taking communications military courses.
Below please find the email to the archive of Politechnika Warszawska. This is in case you are interested to learn and possibly obtain some other documentation about H.W. Attach the scan of his graduation diploma and birth date for faster identification. Communicate in English.
Few days ago a book titled "25 Polish inventors and discoverers who have changed the world" appeared in the bookshops. The chapter dedicated to your father begins on the page 129. E-book is also available (see bottom left corner).
Magnuski Family Genealogical Society Publication: Text: Henryk Magnuski, inz. / USA ur. 30.1.1909 zm. 1978 / Chicago USA syn: Henryk (1857-1910) Helena (1870-1931) zona: Helena Blaszczynska 27.7.1911 dzieci: Henryk ur ok 1944 4.8 Maryla ur. ok. 1943 (?) 9.6
Adres w USA Glenview, Chicago, Illinois 605 Spring Road tel. 312-724-4937
Wspomnienia posmiertne H. S. Toczylowski "Przeglad Telekomunikacyjny 1/1981 s. III Janusz Magnuski File Cards
Birth13 September 18563527 Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska Death30 June 1910 (Age 53) Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska
Birth19 January 18703232 Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska Death31 January 1931 (Age 61) Warszawa, Warszawa, Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Polska
Religious Marriage: 19 October 1905 -- Kraków, Kraków, Kraków, Małopolskie, Polska